placeholder Email * If you could have 1 of these careers, which would you choose * Financial Analyst Consultant Small business owner Web developer Auditor How comfortable are you with tech? * Very comfortable Neutral Not comfortable What is your preferred work environment? * In office Remote Hybrid How do you prefer to learn new information * Hands-on experience Through detailed analysis and reports Reading real-world case studies Thank you! You will receive an email with our recommendation for which of the 3 disciplines you should take (BAR, ISC, TCP)Get access to the test bank and start studying today: Star Rating 4.9 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1000+ ratings Thank you! Section and # of questions(click button to take quiz) FAR 10 FAR 30 REG 10 REG 30 AUD 10 AUD 30 BEC 10 BEC 30 BAR 10 BAR 30 TCP 10 TCP 30 ISC 30 ISC 10 Request a custom quiz Email * Message * Thank you! Your quiz will be emailed to you soon if it is possible to make.